I love Taiwan--every time I come back I can't believe how long it's been since my last visit. Yet, nothing ever really changes. It's the same Old-World-meets-New-World feeling--questionable street vendors selling fragrant food alongside newly built high-rises and 5 star hotels. Tiny, family-owned grocery stores with fresh produce standing next to electronics stores full of the latest above-my-comprehension technology. I love all of it and always leave wishing I had more time to soak it all in. (Hoards of mosquitoes not included.)
Unfortunately, the weather has been solidly miserable--torrential downpours obliterating any chance of going to my favorite outdoor markets and shopping areas. If you ever go to Taipei, make sure you take the time to go to Dan Shui, a gorgeous oceanside town with tons of tiny little shops and food vendors. Get the sugar cane juice from the guy with the clear bottles with red caps. So so so good. I'm praying that the daily storms die down just so I can go fulfill my craving.
Now, for the fashion. The girls here always wear some mix of conservative, girly, dolled-up cuteness. A very small percentage takes the edgier road with all-black "tough" looking outfits, but the majority of women here seems to embrace the color pink. And I mean really embrace. The young women here rarely go out in flats--it seems that a minimum of 2 inch-tall heels are the norm. Hair is always impeccably colored, curled, and coiffed, and makeup is always done, regardless of the blistering heat and suffocating humidity. The fashion is adorable, but can look so out of place in the US. It's almost childish, the amount of bows, ruffles, and lace adorn the majority of clothing here. I am so enamored with it though. After a long trip here, I find myself scouring the US stores for all things girly and frilly. It wears off eventually, but my trips here have definitely affected what my closet looks like. If the weather allows the trip, I'll take some photos of the outdoor markets and clothing stalls (which are always ridiculously cheap, unfortunately both in price and quality) to share with you guys.
Anyway, I'm off the go find the English section of this bookstore! Bye guys!
Yours, Etc.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Lane Bryant Video Interview! :)
Don't make fun of me! I'm so awkward hahaha. =/
You can find LB's mini-write up about me on the Inside Curve website here. :)
If you haven't already, definitely check out the Inside Curve community--it's a great way to find out about all sorts of news and exciting goings-ons at Lane Bryant! I'm personally psyched to hear about the launch of Loop18--it'll be in Lane Bryant outlet stores come July 23rd and should be in regular Lane Bryant stores and online not too long after that! :D You can check out some awesome preview pics on their Facebook page. :)
If you haven't already, definitely check out the Inside Curve community--it's a great way to find out about all sorts of news and exciting goings-ons at Lane Bryant! I'm personally psyched to hear about the launch of Loop18--it'll be in Lane Bryant outlet stores come July 23rd and should be in regular Lane Bryant stores and online not too long after that! :D You can check out some awesome preview pics on their Facebook page. :)
Thanks so much again to Lane Bryant for planning & fully sponsoring this amazing trip!!! You guys are the best!! :)
Yours, Etc.
lane bryant
Thursday, June 17, 2010
let's fly away
[ :: H&M bird print dress :: Dorothy Perkins belt :: Forever21 bag and headband :: Jeffrey Campbell wedges :: ]
Yessss. My shoes arrived!!! I wore them to work today but unfortunately I was running around all over today...so I now have blisters and the shoes are dirty. ha. =/ oh well! nothing a some band-aids and an old toothbrush (the shoes are suede) can't fix! Also, I totally love the headband--less than $4 at F21! There is actually way more to it than it seems in the picture, but I didn't get any lear shots. Will definitely post a better detailed shot next time! :)
Anyhow, the previously stated running around has left me totally exhausted. Night guys! :)
Yours, Etc.
Outfit of the Day
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
we'll shake up this town
[ :: H&M dress :: Banana Republic Blazer :: Forever21 bag and necklace :: Topshop ankle boots :: ]
I should've gotten a close-up of the necklace...it's super cool! From Forever21 and only $6.80--so cheap, but it scratches where it lies against your skin. You get what you pay for, I guess!
Also, this dress was only $12.90! I love simple basics like this. The fabric is really great quality, too! Well done, H&M. I will be going back for the rest of your colors! lol. I'm also having a serious love affair with these ankle boots. I want to wear them with everything, regardless of the 75 degree weather.
They're 5.5 inches and more comfortable than some of my flats. Ridiculous.
FYI, I am wearing my just-in-case shorts under this dress. You know, just in case. They're from Faith21 and if you live in a windy/gusty area and wear skirts or dresses on a regular basis, I definitely suggest you invest in a pair! They've saved me from many an embarrassing moment, lol! :P
Anyway, received the JC Mary Roks! Will post and outfit with them soon! :)
Yours, Etc.
P.S. Can't stop listening to Gym Class Heroes. Shoot Down the Stars is awesome.
Outfit of the Day
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
meet me at half past--
ph. by pudgeables
[ :: H&M top and skirt :: Topshop wedges :: Metropark necklace worn as bracelet :: Forever21 bag :: ]
Wasted away the day at Fashion Island on Sunday. All the shops were closed by the time we got there (cons of living in a suburb) so we just wandered around until our appetites pointed us in the direction of CPK (California Pizza Kitchen!) Yummmm. If you ever go, get the tricolore salad pizza. SO. GOOD. :)
Outfit specifics: New bag from Forever21--I've been looking everywhere for a vintage-y bag to pair with my more lady-like outfits. This one fit the bill perfectly, and at $24.90, I'm not complaining! The construction is surprisingly good so I'm really happy with my purchase. :)
Anyway, how is it only Tuesday now?? I'm ready for the weekend!
OOH! Plus, I'm leaving for Taiwan on Sunday! Excitedddddd. :D This week is gonna be loooooong.
Yours, Etc.
Outfit of the Day
Monday, June 14, 2010
photos by pudgeables
[ :: Torrid top :: H&M shorts :: Alice + Olivia for Payless oxfords (DIY tulle laces) :: ]
[ :: bag from Taiwan :: earrings from japan :: ]
[ :: Torrid top :: H&M shorts :: Alice + Olivia for Payless oxfords (DIY tulle laces) :: ]
[ :: bag from Taiwan :: earrings from japan :: ]
Screwed around over the weekend with my favorite little person. It was the most fickle weather for photo-taking--cloudy, sunny, cloudy, gloomy, sunny,and on and on and on. In the end, we just ended up acting like a couple of idiots on a giant bridge and using the rapid-shot setting on my camera to take hilarious streams of photos. :D
I wanted to wear something super comfy since I knew we would be walking around all sorts of places--I decided that I wanted to wear my new alice+olivia oxford on which I DIYed the laces. I actually tied the tulle into a big fluffy bow to make it more interesting--hehe. :D
Anyway, having a 8am-5pm work schedule has definitely made me appreciate the weekends! I was totally out of it by the time Friday rolled around so on Saturday, I did what I do best...SHOP! :) I snagged a couple super cute things which I'll feature soon in an outfit post! The item I'm most excited about is a pair of shoes...the Jeffrey Campbell Mary Roks to be exact! After months of staring at and dreaming about those shoes, I caved and bought them! :D So excited to receive them!
Yours, Etc.
P.S. I'm not sure my blog updates show up in google reader and dashboard anymore due to the domain name switch...if I don't show up, please add my new address or the following feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/curvygirlchic
Thanks! <333 you guys! :D
P.S. I'm not sure my blog updates show up in google reader and dashboard anymore due to the domain name switch...if I don't show up, please add my new address or the following feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/curvygirlchic
Thanks! <333 you guys! :D
Outfit of the Day,
Sunday, June 13, 2010
weekend ready
[ :: Forever21 top :: H&M shorts :: Coach bag :: Torrid heels :: BP tank :: ]
This is what I ended up wearing after work on Friday! :) For work, I just paired the same top with some skinny jeans and the same heels, hehe.
I seriously love this top though--the floaty sleeves are the clincher for me! :D It's actually from the straight-size sections of Forever21, so definitely spend the time to look around! It's not always, but sometimes you can find things that work for you! :) On that particular trip I found 2 tops, both Forever21 size L, that fit my size 18 top fine--so you just have to look! :)
Alrighty, weekend housekeeping time then off to dinnahhhh with my fave californian! :D
Yours, Etc.
P.S. Go watch A-Team! Liam Neeson is FIIIIINE. :P
Outfit of the Day
Friday, June 11, 2010
halfway to the point of no return
[ :: H&M top :: INC studded pencil skirt :: F21 bracelet :: Coach bag :: Topshop ankle boots :: earrings from Taiwan:: ]
Ahhhh the urge to shop is taking over again. I think it has to do with the fact that I currently don't have my full closet at my disposal, lol. I keep eyeing all these items on Asos, lol.
Anyway! I've been working in an actual office (as opposed to just wherever my laptop is) so I've been trying to find interesting ways to play around with work clothes! I can't stand wearing boring work clothes and I'm lucky enough to work in an environment with a more relaxed dress code, so I played around with some color and ankle boots! :)
I was sort of amazed at how comfortable these shoes ended up being! I lasted the entire day in them (including happy hour) without a hitch. Must be that massive platform or something, but it was awesome. :)
Anyway! I'm super bummed but I seem to have lost my my comments into the nether when I switched domain names. Apparently they recover after a few weeks, but it still sucks! I love all the comments I get from you lovely readers--you're all so awesome! :D
Oooh, and for anyone looking to purchase something from Asos, there's a coupon code for 15% off (non-sale items ONLY)--"PAYPALJUNE".
Happy shopping! I think I'll be making a purchase soon! Muahaha. :D
Yours, Etc.
Outfit of the Day
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
awkward transitions
[ :: H&M dress :: Asos Curve blazer :: Forever21 bag :: Aldo necklace :: Wanted heels :: ]
Life's been just a little crazy-hectic. Moving officially sucks, especially when it's a size downgrade and you can't bring all your things with you! lolol. Also, I no longer have my photog at my fingertips and I feel bad asking someone else to take my photos, haha.
Anyhow! The good news is that I now own my domain name! woohooooo :D So you can change your bookmarks to www.curvygirlchic.com (or not--either one will redirect to this page! :D) Yay I feel like such a grown-up. :)
So hopefully you lovely readers will bear with me as I make this awkward transition--I will still be posting regularly (I have a beachwear post coming soon!) so stay tuned! :)
So hopefully you lovely readers will bear with me as I make this awkward transition--I will still be posting regularly (I have a beachwear post coming soon!) so stay tuned! :)
Yours, Etc.
Outfit of the Day
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Lane Bryant Photoshoot! :D
Hey guys! :D
Just a quick post before I pass out for the night--I received my Lane Bryant Photoshoot pics yesterday! :D I won't barrage you with all the shots, but here are a few of my faves. :D You can see the snookie hair in all it's glory in the second shot, lol! :P
Again, all this outfit (minus the heels) were courtesy of Lane Bryant! :)
I seriously love this blazer--I've already worn it twice since the conference! So awesome for work. Also, I'm totally loving that embossed clutch. I'm not sure if it translates well in photos but it's this gorgeous green color.
Anyway, I'll have an actual outfit post up soon--I promise! :) Being in Cali without a photographer (aka the bf) is making things a little difficult but I promise I'll make it work! hehe :)
Yours, Etc.
lane bryant
Monday, June 7, 2010
Lane Bryant Conference Recap! :)
Hi loves! :D
I'm finally in California now and just figured out a way to connect to my family's spotty internet! Woohoo! :D So I should be back to posting regularly--sorry for the long lapse! :X
Anyway! First and foremost, I want to say a huuuge thank you to Lane Bryant for hosting such an amazing conference--it was tons of fun and an amazing way to connect with other amazing bloggers as well as the fabulous Lane Bryant team! :)

This is what I ended up wearing for the LB photo shoot:
[ :: Entire outfit gifted by Lane Bryant aside from shoes :: ]
[ :: tribal print smocked top :: ]
[ :: puffed short sleeve blazer :: ]
[ :: zip vent skinny jeans :: ]
[ :: spiked dome ring :: ]
[ :: mixed shiny bracelets :: ]
[ :: green crocodile clutch :: ]
[ :: Wanted black patent pumps :: ]
I also had my hair and makeup professionally done! It was super cool--snookie hair included! lol :)
Aside from the awesome makeovers and shopping, we also got to talk to members of the amazing Lane Bryant team, including Brian Woolf--President of Lane Bryant, Jay Dunn--VP of Marketing, and Robert Rutkauskas--Senior Designer of Trend/Color/Fabric/CAD. We also received some fabulous news regarding the future of Lane Bryant its upcoming plans! The piece of information I am most excited about is that Lane Bryant plans on launching a younger plus size line called Loop18 in August! I know that many fatshionistas consider LB's current selection a little boring or plain, so I'm very interested to see what the Loop18 collection will bring to the mix. :)
For those of you who asked about shorter pant lengths, I don't think they will be having petites again, but there were some ideas thrown out by bloggers who mentioned having on-site tailors?? I thought that was a pretty cool idea. :D
Also, you should definitely check out the Lane Bryant online community, Inside Curve! It's a cool way to get lots of plus size news, exclusive offers, stylist tips and tons more--plus you can share your favorite LB outfit photos with the rest of the community! :)
Yours, Etc.
lane bryant
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
A quick hello before I'm off again!
Hey lovelies! :)
I apologize for not having time to post the past few days! I was in Chicago hanging out with my favorite (and only) sister, and didn't have a second to catch my breath--it was amazing. OMFG HOT, but amazing. :)And, I witnessed a marriage proposal/acceptance on the Navy Pier ferris wheel! So adorable. Didn't shop because of the WTF11.50% sales tax, but was super tempted since we stayed right next to Magnificent Mile! hmph.
Now I'm back in Boston but I'm off to Columbus, OH tomorrow afternoon for the Lane Bryant blogger conference!* :)
I am sooo excited about this since Lane Bryant was one of the first plus-size retailers I purchased from--and still one of my faves for professional, easy to wear clothing! (That grey boyfriend blazer is in constant rotation!) On the agenda are some awesome events--a preview of their fall and winter collections, shopping & a photo shoot with free clothes (woohoo!), a round-table conference about social media with the VP of Marketing, plus a Q&A session! Clearly, it's going to be a packed day--I can't wait! :D
Again, if you guys have any other questions for the LB big wigs, let me know! :D I will absolutely be your messenger! :)
Alrighty guys, I'm off to pack! The other LB bloggers are gonna think I'm nuts--I'm packing for 2+ months in Cali and Taiwan, so I'll probably look ridiculous with all my luggage. I'm not crazy, just moving, I promise! :P
Yours, Etc.
*Disclosure per FTC Regulations: Lane Bryant is paying all expenses for this trip. (Thanks LB! :D)
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