The first pair is from a set specifically for Silkstone Barbies. These slingbacks also fit Lana Turner as they are made of a bit softer plastic than the other pairs of the set.

This pair is from the same set, I think. I thought I'd never find anything for my Barbies to wear that would go with these, but the dress I made for Lana has orange, so these shoes go with it. Unfortunately, the shoes don't fit Lana that well, but at least the dress fits Silkstone Barbies.

This is a cheap pair of shoes made of fairly soft plastic. You can get these on a Silkstone Barbie only just and I expect them to break at some point when putting them on or taking them off.

This is another cheap pair I ordered at the same time as the ones in the picture above. Unfortunately, I don't remember anymore where I got these.

These are Fashion Fever Barbie shoes and soft enough to get onto Silkstone Barbie's feet.

This pair is from a fairly new set of Barbie shoes from Mattel. These also fit Lana.

This pair is from Bob Mackie's Cher Barbie.

These came with a cheap Barbie in a neon green dress.

These are from 1970's and I think they are original Mattel shoes, but I'm not sure. They originally had ankle straps, but I remember cutting them off, because they were too difficult to use. I've also got a similar pair in yellow.

These are also from 1970's. These fit basically any Barbie sized doll.

The last two pairs are ReMent shoes and both pairs fit Lana as well. (I got these from Miss Blythe store, which is in Portugal.)

For the Finnish post, see here.
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