
Monday, May 24, 2010

tell me what to say

[ :: Alloy top :: AE shorts :: Steve Madden boots :: Vince Camuto bag ::  misc bracelets :: ]

Sorry for the spotty posting (as in every other day instead of daily...which is probably just spotty in my mind, lol). Trying to balance work/life/play and preparing for being out of Boston for over a month is getting sort of crazy. That and I'd like to spend as much time with the bf as possible before leaving, lol. Reminds me of those Snickers Pop-ables commercials with the "separation anxiety" tagline. hehe :P AND, M is leaving for GOOD soon, so we have to knock things off his to-do-in-boston list before then! :(

FYI, I opened up a account (woot--bandwagon! lol) where you can ask me questions or just say hi! :)  Just keep it classy, please. :) Sometimes people think a shroud of anonymity makes it okay to be completely rude and classless. So untrue and pretty disappointing. 
Aside from those people, though, I love hearing from you guys!! :D Since it's harder for me to follow up on questions in comments, if you have something to ask, do it via formspring and I'll make sure to answer as soon as possible! :) 

Heart you guys! :D As always, thanks so much for reading my blog! :)

Yours, Etc.

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