I started by cutting suitable pieces from thick foamcore and glueing them in two layers.

Then I painted them to fill in the biggest gaps, although they would not have shown under the fabric anyway.

The arching part of the sole is made of several layers of cardboard (160 g/m2). I think I put 5-6 layers in these.
When making parts like this, you need to use glue that doesn't set right away. Start with two layers, spread glue on one and place the other on top of it. Then you form the desired shape and keep the pieces in that shape until the glue has dried enough to prevent the pieces from getting out of shape. Then glue the rest of the layers one layer at a time.

Then I glued the parts together. I noticed afterwards that it would have been better, if couple of the lowest cardboard layers had gone all the way down. It would have been easier to make the soles keep their shape that way.

I covered the shoes with fabric that I had treated with sealer. The heels are cut from thin metal pipe and the parts where they are attached to are made of modelling clay (the type that does not need to be oven baked).

I used the same fabric for inner soles and straps. I only used two straps for the shoes as the patterns of the fabric were decorative enough and there was no need for a more complicated design.

I covered the rest with the same fabric and glued small pieces of leather for taps and to the part that shows green in the picture below.

The picture below shows the finished shoes on the doll. I haven't tried it, but I don't think the doll could stand wearing these, because of balance issues.
Original Finnish post
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