
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit

Happy New Year! I hope you've all had a great holiday season and are amped to make this year even better than the last! I was iffy about sharing my resolutions with the internets because, let's face it, accountability. lol! But one week in, and finally getting the nerve up to share, here goes a basic rundown...

Learn French.
Already on this! Planning a family trip to France this year so my goal is to be able to carry on basic conversation. And you know, ask where the bathroom is, order cheese and a baguette, and make a purchase. I've clearly got my priorities in order. I'm using the Duolingo iPhone/iPad app and I can't recommend it enough!

Spend more time outside.
Working in an office all day then coming home to work on my blog or catch up on How I Met Your Mother makes it way too easy to stay inside all day. Three easy ways I plan to get some more sunshine and fresh air in my life are 1) eat meals outside--pack a picnic and find a grassy spot to dine al fresco during the lunch hour, 2) get out of the gym--instead, go for hikes, hit the pool, and venture into "sports," lol and 3) take in all that So Cal has to offer--gorgeous mountains, soft sandy beaches, and all the pretty parks a girl could ask for. Being outside makes me happy, and I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to make myself happy this year!

Wear sunscreen.
A lifetime of sunbathing, beach bumming, and crappy sunscreen habits has left me with less than desirable skin, and I need to remedy this ASAP. Currently getting my Aveeno on daily--on top of being SPF50, my face smells like a Hawaiian vacation. Win.

Be mindful of my food.
It's easy to buy prepared, packaged food, like that triple-washed, already cut salad, but I want to do what I can to buy local, organic foods, support local businesses, and prepare meals at home. I've always enjoyed cooking (I wanted to own a restaurant when I was little!) but recently, it's fallen to the wayside. Gameplan: buy small quantities, buy often, and buy in season! Already signed up for a CSA share from Tanaka Farms. Super excited! To learn about CSA programs and find one near you, check out Local Harvest. :) 

Prioritize my happiness.
It's too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of never-ending to-do lists and impending deadlines. Maybe it's a selfish resolution, but you can't take your career with you when you depart this earth, so you might as well take a step back from the chaos, smell the proverbial flowers, and relax.

 “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” 
― Ernest Hemingway

Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit
Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit
Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit
Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit
Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit
Curvy Girl Chic Plus Size Fashion Blog Wet Seal Tartan Moto Outfit
[ :: tartan moto jacket c/o Wet Seal+ :: City Chic top :: Torrid skinny jeans :: ]
[ :: Bella Vita boots :: Forever 21 bag :: ]

What are some of your resolutions this year? :D Any of you have the same resolutions as me? Would love to keep track of progress with you guys! :)



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